Terms & Condition

General notes

CO.DE.CO Srl with registered and administrative office in Via Angelo Brunetti 7 20156 Milan, Tel. 02 33 40 42 42, company registration number in Milan and cod. tax 10507450152, VAT number 10507450152 (hereafter “CODECO”), makes available to all users the possibility of purchasing the Ottobono brand products (hereinafter also “products”) via the website www.ottobono.it (hereinafter “site”) ), of which it is of which he is a distributor

These general conditions of sale (“general conditions”) are governed by the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree No. 206/2005 and subsequent amendments and additions), section II, distance contracts (articles 50 – 67) and rules on electronic commerce (Legislative Decree No. 70/2003) and apply exclusively to Internet sales of products, as identified and listed in the relevant section of the site.

The customer (hereinafter “customer”) is invited to print or to preserve, according to the preferred methods, the present general conditions. In case of variations of the general conditions, to the purchase order, the general conditions published on the site will be applied at the time of sending the order by the customer.

In the event that the person making purchases on the site requires the invoice and / or in any case is not a “consumer or user” as defined in art. 3, paragraph 1, lett. a) of the Consumer Code, the specific rules governing the termination of these general conditions or, more generally, the provisions that, according to the same Consumer Code, apply only to “consumers” will not apply.

Contracts concluded with CODECO through the ottobono site are governed by these general conditions in compliance with Italian law. The language available to conclude the contract is Italian.

Public Offer

The products and their prices presented on the site constitute an offer to the public in accordance with the methods specified in the General Conditions and on the site itself. The conditions of this offer apply exclusively to purchases made on the site. The purchase contracts (hereinafter “contracts”) stipulated on the site are concluded with CODECO.

The customer, by electronically sending the confirmation of his purchase order, unconditionally accepts and undertakes to observe in his relations with CODECO, the general and payment conditions transcribed below, declaring that he has read and accepted all the indications provided to him pursuant to the aforementioned regulations, also acknowledging that CODECO does not consider itself bound to different conditions unless previously agreed in writing. The Customer also declares the truthfulness of the data entered during registration and declines CODECO from any liability due to the inaccuracy of such data.


All prices indicated on the site are expressed in Euros and include VAT, taxes and duties.

Delivery costs (hereinafter “delivery costs”) are always excluded and charged to the customer and adequately highlighted in the purchase order (hereinafter “purchase order”).

The price shown on the site at the time the order is sent is applied to the products, without any consideration of previous offers or any subsequent price changes.

Purchase Order 

By ordering products on the site, the customer declares and guarantees that: a) is legally able to contract or has parental authorization to make a purchase on the site. b) Order products for personal use only. It undertakes not to market, resell or distribute the products in any way to third parties for non-private and in particular non-commercial purposes. The seller is exonerated from any burden of verification and responsibility according to what is declared by the customer.

To place an order, it is necessary to register by entering the email, valid as a customer code, together with the chosen password, this will allow the customer’s system to be recognized and access to the Ottobono personal area, you will have to use the “Electronic Cart” following the instructions that will be indicated during execution. The order consists of the summary page, which is accessed after pressing the “place order” button, which must be printed and kept.

The Customer can only purchase the products on the Ottobono website at the time of placing the order and viewable online at www.ottobono.it, as described in the relevant product sheets. It is understood that the image accompanying the description of a product is purely indicative and may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics; the images and colors of the products offered for sale on www.ottobono.it.

The customer successfully completes the order procedure if the site does not show any error messages (the system cannot detect errors in reference to the data entered by the customer in the field dedicated to billing and shipping addresses).

The contract stipulated between CODECO and the customer must be considered concluded with the acceptance, even if only partial, of the order by CODECO. This acceptance is considered tacit, unless otherwise communicated to the customer in any way.

Correct receipt of the order is confirmed by CODECO through an “order confirmation” e-mail response sent to the e-mail address supplied by the customer. This confirmation message will contain the date and time of execution of the order and a ‘customer order number’, to be used in any further communication with CODECO. The message re-proposes all the data entered by the customer who undertakes to verify its correctness and to promptly communicate any corrections, according to the methods described in this document. In case of non-acceptance of the order, CODECO guarantees timely communication to the customer. CODECO reserves the right to cancel orders deemed unlikely without prior notice. In this circumstance, if the customer has made the payment and this is already accredited, CODECO will immediately cancel the total amount of the order.

CODECO invites the customer to check with the utmost attention and care the correctness of the data contained in the order confirmation and to communicate any corrections to CODECO within 24 (twenty-four) hours of receipt of the same. It is possible that occasional unavailability of the products offered may occur, in this case, if the products chosen by the customer are not, in whole or in part, available, CODECO will notify the customer within 2 working days.

Product availability can be checked by consulting the Ottobono catalog directly. If the quantity indicated in the order is not available at the moment, or a product has gone out of stock due to multiple orders, the customer will be promptly contacted by customer service and can decide whether to wait for the product to arrive, replace it with another product. or, in the case of payment by credit card, request a refund on that card of the value of the product.

Whatever the chosen payment method, in any case, only the actual value of the goods that will be delivered to the customer will be charged.

Prices, features and availability of products may change without notice.

In any case, any right of the customer to compensation for damages or compensation is excluded, as well as any contractual or extra-contractual liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and / or things, caused by the non-fulfillment, even partial, of an order.

CODECO reserves the right to modify, suspend or interrupt all or part of the site services at any time.

Terms of Payment

Payment must be made exclusively in Euros. The payment methods available are as follows:
credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, bank transfer in advance or Paypal.

Advance bank transfer
In this case, it is necessary to make a bank transfer equal to that on the “order confirmation”, received via E-Mail, in favor of:
Bank account details:
IBAN: IT20E0503401607000000007782
Reason: enter the customer order number and the date on the order confirmation.
Payment must be made within 5 days from the date the order was placed. After this deadline, the order will be automatically canceled.

Credit card
In cases of purchase of goods with a credit card payment method, the transaction can take place through the secure PayPal server. In any case, it will be the Customer who chooses his preference at the time of the conclusion of the order. At no time during the purchase procedure CODECO is able to know the information relating to the buyer’s credit card, transmitted via a secure connection directly to the website of the bank that manages the transaction. No CODECO computer archive will keep such data. In no event CODECO can therefore be held responsible for any fraudulent and improper use of credit cards by third parties, upon payment of purchased products.

Once the order is confirmed, the customer will be redirected to the PayPal site where he can make the payment with his account or using a card, even prepaid, or in any case according to the methods accepted by Paypal and in compliance with the relevant conditions. In the event of cancellation of the order, both by the customer and in the event of non-acceptance of the same by CODECO SRL, at the same time as the cancellation, the amount relating to the canceled goods will be credited back to the customer’s Paypal account.
For each order placed on www.ottobono.it, a fiscal document (invoice) will be issued pursuant to Article 14 of Presidential Decree 445/2000 and Legislative Decree 52/2004 by sending it to the owner of the order at the same time as the goods. For the issuance of the invoice, the information provided by the customer will prevail. CODECO therefore reminds the customer to always check, with the utmost attention, the accuracy of the information provided. No change in the invoice will be possible after it has been issued.

Delivery Methods

The purchased products will be delivered to the address indicated by the customer in the Purchase order.

Delivery is foreseen only for the territory of the Italian Republic and the Republic of San Marino.

Delivery is by courier from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays and national holidays. The delivery service includes packaging, transport.

The delivery times indicated on the site are those agreed with the couriers used. CODECO cannot be held responsible for possible delays due to the aforementioned couriers, or caused by certain periods of the year of increased work.

Unless explicitly indicated by our customer service, delivery is intended at street level. Upon delivery of the goods by the courier, the presence of the customer or a trusted person is required to check that the packaging is intact and clean and that the products received correspond to what is stated on the order.

The Customer is required to check:

that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document

that the packaging is intact, not damaged, wet or otherwise altered, even in the sealing materials (adhesive tape or metal straps).

Any damage to the packaging and / or the product or the mismatch in the number of packages or indications, must be immediately contested, putting WRITTEN CHECK RESERVE on the courier’s proof of delivery specifying the reason for the reserve (for example: crushed packaging, laundry, etc …). The customer is obliged to send a notice of “withdrawal with reserve” to the address servizioclienti@ottobono.com, also attaching photographs proving the defect. Once the courier’s document has been signed, the Customer will not be able to make any objection about the external characteristics of what has been delivered. Any problems concerning the physical integrity, correspondence or completeness of the products received must be reported within 2 days of delivery, according to the procedures set out in this document.

The service includes 2 delivery attempts at the address indicated at the time of the order. After the second unsuccessful delivery attempt, the package will remain in free storage for 3 working days at the courier. During these 3 days, the customer can contact the courier directly to arrange the delivery or to change the address of the same.

In case of non-collection within 3 working days of the material in stock at the courier’s warehouses (due to repeated impossibility of delivery to the address indicated by the customer at the time of the order), the order will be automatically canceled and the goods will return. to CODECO. The customer will be reimbursed for the value of the purchase minus the transport costs, the accessory charges related to the storage of the goods at the courier, the costs of returning the goods to the company’s warehouses and the costs / charges that CODECO spa will have to bear for the accreditation.

Delivery Costs

Delivery costs are charged to the customer and adequately highlighted through the “order confirmation”: they are calculated on the basis of the weight / volume / shipping destination of the products ordered, as indicated on the site.

If the customer wishes to cancel his order, he can proceed with the cancellation within 24 (twenty-four) hours of payment, at no additional cost. In this case CODECO will refund the customer the full amount paid by credit card if the order has been paid in whole or in part by credit card.

Purchase order cancellation

In case of cancellation of the order after 24 hours, CODECO will refund the customer the amount paid minus any transport costs, using the same methods as indicated above.

Right of withdrawal

Pursuant to the combined provisions of Articles 64 and ss. of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 2005/206) and the provisions of Legislative Decree 21 February 2014, n. 21, the customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason, without the need to provide explanations and without any penalty. This right cannot be exercised in relation to the categories of goods and services expressly specified in art. 59 of Legislative Decree 21 February 2014, n. 21. By way of example but not limited to: art. 59 lett. d) supply of goods which risk deteriorating or expiring rapidly; art. 59 lett. e) supply of sealed goods which cannot be returned for hygienic reasons or related to health protection and have been opened after delivery; art. 59 letter f) supply of goods which, after delivery, are, by their nature, inseparably mixed with other goods.
The right of withdrawal is exercised by sending within fourteen days of a written communication to the CODECO headquarters by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. It is possible to send the communication, within the same deadline, also by telegram, telex, e-mail to the address servizioclienti@ottobono.com, provided that it is confirmed by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within the following forty-eight hours. In the registered letter it is sufficient to enter your data, those relating to the order and purchase made, communicating the intention to withdraw from the contract, with the request to return the price paid within the mandatory term of 30 days.
Once the aforementioned notice of withdrawal has been received, CODECO will send the customer a “Return Authorization” via e-mail. The return of the product (s) must arrive at our warehouses within 10 days of authorization.
CODECO reminds its customers, before returning, to check that the product (s) subject to withdrawal is / are intact and in a normal state of conservation, inserted in the original packaging, complete in all its parts (including packaging and ancillary documentation).
The right of withdrawal is however subject to the following conditions:
1. The law applies to the product purchased in its entirety; it is not possible to exercise withdrawal only on part of the purchased product;
2. By law, the shipping costs for returning the goods are charged to the customer;
3. The shipment, up to the certificate of receipt in our warehouse, is under the complete responsibility of the customer;
4. CODECO is not responsible in any way for damage or theft / loss of goods returned by uninsured shipments;
5. In case of damage to the goods during transport, CODECO will notify the customer of the incident (within 5 working days of receiving the goods in their warehouses), to allow him to file a complaint against the courier he has chosen and obtain a refund. of the value of the asset (if insured). In this case, the product will be made available to the customer for its return at the same time as canceling the request for withdrawal;
6. The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in any way for perishable goods whose expiry date is less than or equal to 10 days. or if they have not been stored at a correct temperature that compromises the quality of the product.
If the right of withdrawal has been correctly exercised in accordance with the aforementioned article 64 et seq., CODECO will refund the customer the full amount already paid, including delivery costs, within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from receipt of the notice of withdrawal without prejudice to CODECO’s right to suspend payment of the reimbursement until the actual receipt of the goods. The refund will be made using the same payment method used by the customer, unless the customer has expressly requested a different method. In case of bank transfer or cash on delivery, the customer will be responsible for providing the bank details on which to obtain the refund (account holder, name and address of the Bank and IBAN). The refunded amount will be net of the costs for returning the products, which will be borne by the customer.
The right of withdrawal is totally lost, due to lack of the essential integrity of the goods (packaging and / or its contents), in cases where CODECO ascertains:
The lack of the external packaging and / or wrapping containing the purchased product
Damage to the product for reasons other than its transport.
In case of forfeiture of the right of withdrawal, CODECO will return the purchased good to the sender, charging the shipping costs to the sender. The right of withdrawal is in no way exercisable by professionals.

Guarantees and lack of conformity

In the event of lack of conformity of products sold by CODECO, the customer must immediately contact Customer Service by e-mail at customer service@ottobono.com or by telephone on 02 33 40 42 42.

The legal guarantees provided for in articles 129, 130 and 132 of the Consumer Code apply to the sale of the products. The customer has the right, at his choice and provided that the type of Product allows it, to restore, without charge, the conformity of the Product by repair or replacement, or to an adequate price reduction or termination of the contract. The customer loses these rights if he does not report the lack of conformity to CODECO within two months from the date on which he discovered the defect, provided that it is not a product which by its nature is perishable or subject to expiration within a period. shorter, in which case the defect must be reported within this shortened term.

The guarantee of conformity and quality of the goods shipped, offered by CODECO is strictly limited to the compensation of the buyer in the form of a refund, to the exclusion of any other indemnity. In particular CODECO will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage, due to a defect in the goods. It is understood that CODECO will not take into account complaints reported after the aforementioned terms.

Errors and limitations of liability

The liability of CODECO cannot in any case be evoked if the non-execution or delay in the execution of one or various obligations contained in this contract derives from an unforeseeable and insurmountable event caused by third parties or cases of force majeure. CODECO takes the utmost care in representing and describing the characteristics of the products on the site as accurately as possible. However, no liability is accepted in the event of an insubstantial difference between the reproduction of the products on the site and the products delivered.

Furthermore, CODECO SRL’s responsibility cannot be evoked for any inconvenience or damage related to the use of the Internet, in particular for service failures, external intrusions or the presence of computer viruses.

The information relating to the products provided through the site is constantly updated. However, it is not possible to guarantee the complete absence of errors for which CODECO cannot therefore be held responsible, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence.

CODECO reserves the right to correct errors, inaccuracies or omissions even after an order has been sent, or to modify or update information at any time without prior notice, without prejudice to the customer’s rights under these General Conditions and of the Consumer Code.

Except for willful misconduct or gross negligence, any right of the customer to compensation for damages or the recognition of compensation is excluded, as well as any contractual or extra-contractual liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and / or things, caused by the non-acceptance or evasion, even partial. , of an order.

Intellectual property

The images of the products on the website www.ottobono.it are to be considered purely illustrative and not binding. The images of the products for sale on the website www.ottobono.it are to be considered the exclusive property of CODECO.

The elements of the http://www.ottobono.it Site, whether visual or sound, as well as the underlying technology are protected by the copyright of trademarks or patents.

Any reproduction or representation, global or partial, of the elements of the Site constitutes counterfeiting which may lead to the civil and criminal liability of the author. It is strictly forbidden to insert a hypertext link that leads to the site http://www.ottobono.it, using the so-called “framing” or “deep linking” technique.


Any complaint must be forwarded to Ottobono Customer Service by writing to the e-mail servizioclienti@ottobono.com


Privacy information and cookie policy pursuant to Art 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR)

Before communicating any personal data, we invite you to carefully read this “Privacy Policy” which is intended as a disclosure pursuant to art. 13 of the GDPR to those who consult and interact with the Site, as it contains information on the protection of personal data and on the security measures adopted to guarantee its confidentiality in full compliance with the GDPR.

It is specified that this Privacy Policy is intended only for the website www.ottobono.com while it does not apply to other websites that may be consulted through our links.

The Data Controller

The owner of the processing of personal data relating to identified or identifiable persons processed following consultation of our site is the company CO.DE.CO S.r.l. with registered office in Via Angelo Brunetti 7 – 20156 Milan – tel. 02-33404242 – mail: info@ottobono.com

Place and purpose of data processing

The treatments connected to the web services of this site take place at our service provider who has been specifically appointed External Manager and are handled directly by our. specially appointed and trained employees.

1. The personal data provided that you will provide us by forwarding your requests by e-mail are used for the sole purpose of responding to the request.

2. The personal data provided that you will provide us by completing the registration form will be entered in our database and will be used to allow you to register on the site and speed up the procedure in case of online purchase of our products.

3. In the event that you give us your consent, your e-mail address will be used to offer you our products, keep you informed about our initiatives and promotions.

No data deriving from the web service is communicated or disclosed to third parties.

Methods of data processing

Personal data are processed with automated IT tools, for the time necessary to achieve the purposes expressed above:

With reference to point a), requests are usually answered within 5 days.

With reference point b) e c) the storage time is 5 years.

Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the time of the request. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing.


Read the Cookies policy.

Transfer of data abroad:

The collected data are not subject to transfer abroad.

Rights of interested parties

The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to request the Data Controller to access their data, correct or delete them, limit the processing or the possibility of opposing the processing, to request the portability of the data. data, to revoke the consent to the processing by asserting these and the other rights provided by the GDPR by simply communicating to the Data Controller.

Requests / communications should be addressed to the Data Controller indicated above by post, or by calling 02-33404242 or by email at info@ottobono.com

This Privacy Policy is effective from 25/05/2018. CO.DE.CO S.r.l. reserves the right to modify or simply update its content, in part or completely, also due to changes in the Applicable Regulations.

Applicable law and competent courtThe sales contract between the customer and CODECO is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law. For the solution of disputes relating to the interpretation, execution or resolution of these general conditions or individual purchase orders if the customer is a consumer pursuant to the Consumer Code, the court of his town of residence or of domicile if located in the Italian territory; in all other cases, the territorial jurisdiction is exclusively that of the Court of Milan, any other competent court excluded.Customer Service

The user can ask for any information on the methods and procedures for the online purchase, or for the shipment of products, payment, the right of withdrawal, etc., by contacting customer service via e-mail at customer service @ ottobono. com, by phone at 0233404242.

Pursuant to Article 1341 of the Italian Civil Code the customer declares to have read and understood and to specifically accept the following articles of these General Conditions: 2) Offer to the public; 3) Prices; 4) Purchase Order; 6) Delivery methods; 7) Delivery costs; 8) Cancellation of Purchase Order; 9) Right of withdrawal; 10) Guarantees; 11) Errors and limitations of liability; 12) Intellectual property; 13) Complaints; 14) Privacy; 15) Applicable law and competent court.